it is! Finally, the blog for Prince of Wales's new, very exciting Community Garden is up. Here we'll be posting any good news and bad news and updates of any kind regarding the plants, the members and the overall running of the garden.
For starters, if you pass by our garden, this is what you would see written on a sign --put up last Friday-- right in front of the beds:
Community Garden
Est. October 2009
A group of Prince of Wales students wanted to promote sustainable education and development in both the school and the community through this garden. Currently, the plants in the garden include lettuce, radish, kale, carrot, broccoli, basil, spinach and strawberry. During summer 2010, a group of volunteer students will be tending the garden to continue to keep it alive.
Enjoy viewing the garden but PLEASE don't touch or take the plants or the soil.
Many thanks,
Prince of Wales Garden Committee
Stay tuned for more of everything as we begin to share with you every new line of the tale of our thriving little community garden.