It's been a busy year for the garden...
After finishing the expansion of the garden in the spring (adding 5 beds and 8 apple trees), we had 10 volunteers who helped us get our second successful harvest! Carrots, radishes, chives, apples, kale, strawberries, and lettuce were among the edibles.
At clubs day, we got over 40 newcomers who signed up for the club. We used that help almost immediately, filling a bed with new kale seedlings and Swiss chard, and those plants continue to grow today!
We gave a very successful presentation to the Prince of Wales PAC, and received the full amount we were asking for! We used some of this money to purchase a new composter, which we put to work right away.
With that said, we still have a lot to complete in the new year.
1. The FoodCorps Grant
We are in the midst of working out an application for the FoodCorps grant from Whole Foods. If we get the grant, we'll be able to use the funds towards lots of exciting new projects.
2. The sign!
We need to get our sign up to let people know what's going on in that little field beside the school! This'll be one of our first projects of the year.
3. Benches!
We will hopefully have some benches by the tree in the new year! Here's a simple design that we're thinking of going for:
4. Drip irrigation
We are planning to have a drip irrigation system up and running for the apple trees some time in late spring. Stay tuned for details!
5. Conferences? Workshops? Others?
We're certainly open to new ideas!
See you in the new year!