Friday, September 12, 2014

Veggies for Teachers

For the past few weeks, Stephanie and Fiona have been harvesting the surplus products and giving them to the teachers at the picket line. As you may be aware, the past few months teachers at the Vancouver School Board have been protesting asking for multiple revisions in the system such as fewer class size. The teachers seem to like their veggies, especially under the sweltering sun!

To learn more about the Teachers Strike please take a look:

Sheida Naderi-Azad
Mentor, Prince of Wales Community Garden

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Summer 2014

The garden is hard to miss on a beautiful summer day! It is harvest season, which calls for many new visitors and large bags of products. Thanks to great planning by Stephanie and Hannah, this summer the garden has such a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Take a look for yourself:

Sheida Naderi-Azad
Mentor, Prince of Wales Community Garden

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Revisiting the Garden

Last Thursday I was chaperoning a field trip for the global sustainability course run by Mr. Andrew Humphries at Prince of Wales Secondary School. There, I bumped into Stephanie Wu who is currently enrolled in Grade 11 and will be leading the Garden Club next year with Hannah Madden-Krasnik. 

Stephanie quickly filled me in on the progress they made this year. The committee has discussed long-term goals of the Garden. It has agreed on a new cohesive design which links the orchards at the far end of the garden to the beds near the tool kit. At a large scale, the beds will contain the garden and produce a leaf-like shape. From a detailed perspective, the garden will include a picnic table, an amphitheatrical area with benches, and a mulch path which adds directionality.

To substantiate this long-term goal, the committee has started to move the benches into the designed shape. Stephanie Wu and Hannah Madden-Krasnik organized a productive "work-party" on Wednesday, April 30th. Below are some snapshots of the day's proceedings, taken by Stephanie. 

PW Grade 10 students digging up the bed with the supervision of 
Diane Phillips, Garden Club sponsor

Transfer of beds

Ms. Diane Phillips placing newspaper beneath the new 
location to prevent grass from growing underneath.

Filling in the new beds

I was very proud of the committee's progress in the past year. Stephanie is excited to be leading next year's committee alongside Hannah. She is currently working on a summer irrigation project to yield optimal produce year-round.

More on this soon!

Sheida Naderi-Azad
President, Prince of Wales Garden Committee 2012-13