Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Garden's leaf-shaped design

We have successfully added mulch to the surroundings of the beds in our attempt to adhere to the leaf-shaped design as voted by the board of PW Community Garden. As well we have added gravel to produce the stem of the leaves, as well as a path for community members to walk through when observing or using the garden. This design as a whole allows the users to plant vegetables in an organised fashion, and to be able to move amongst the beds efficiently in spite of Vancouver's heavy rains!

Sheida Naderi-Azad
Mentor, PW Community Garden

Summer Garden

The garden has expanded a lot in the past year. We have added more beds, devised a path and a design for the garden, and planted lots of delicious Summer vegetables! Below are a few shots depicting the outcome of our hard work. 

Sheida Naderi-Azad
Mentor, Prince of Wales Community Garden