Now that things are slowing down in the garden, it's time to revive this blog! We'll try to post monthly updates of the garden's progress, so stay tuned. I'm really excited about the productivity of the garden this summer, despite struggles with wire worms and aphids, and hope it'll prove even more productive next year. We had an abundance of peas and beans throughout the summer. Our experimental watermelons grew happily under the warmth of the newly-installed greenhouse.

The new variety of strawberry we planted, "Totem", have also done very well - we've had flowers and fruit since May and they show no signs of stopping. Our apples are almost ripe for the picking; I'm excited to make pie for the club with these Northern Spy apples. Unfortunately, out late-planted tomatoes are still looking very green, we'll see if they manage to ripen before the cold sets in.
- Lianne (President)